
Never Too Old to be Healthy!

Don't ever think you are too old, or too out of shape to be healthy. It's never too late.

Following the hints below, starting slowly, without rushing and trying to do it all at once, you will reach your healthy goals easily.

You can do it.

If you are really out of good health, pick one of the tips below and follow it until it feels comfortable, then move onto the next.

You will be less likely to fail if you take it slowly and you will have mini-successes along the way.

"The easiest and least expensive way to reduce your risk for cancer is just by eating a healthy diet."

Rachael Stolzenberg-Solomon, a researcher at the National Cancer Institute,

Along with a healthy diet, a physically active lifestyle is important for cancer prevention.

Some of the healthiest foods to eat on a regular basis are:

Whole grains- Considered the new 'broccoli!
Cherries: All-natural pain reliever
Yogurt: Immunity booster
Salmon: Bone strengthener
Cabbage: Breast-cancer defense
Walnuts: Good for the ticker
Blueberries: Keep the mind sharp
Beans: Ward off colon cancer
Tomatoes: Protect the prostate

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Ease Into It. If you haven't been physical, one of the quickest ways to sidetrack your workout plan is to do too much too soon.

You need reasonable goals. Don't set the standard too high to begin but aim for better each workout.

Work out someplace where you enjoy being. You don't need a gym, a walk in a safe area is good and you can add stretches, use some weights, and grab a workout buddy.

Be sensible about aches and pains. When you feel it hurting, it's time to change the routine. Don't overdo or you won't do.

Don't Let Your Health Be Poor Health
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title,picture,our price 3 86400 Exercise, work out, health simple Video 0
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Keep your brain healthy, sharp, and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's with these scientifically-proven strategies:
Several scientific studies show that people who stayed on a Mediterranean style diet had a lower incidence of Alzheimer's, compared with those who did not follow this diet.
High levels of homocysteine may be associated with poor cognitive function. Some findings indicate that reducing homocysteine with folic acid may increase cognitive function.
Framingham study found individuals with the top quartile levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, and tuna, measured at baseline had lower rates of Alzheimer's over nine years of follow-up. These fish are all rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.

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Or is it success brings happiness? Either way, your health is improved tremendously when you are happy with your life.
Being happy is a gift you give to yourself. When you depend on others to make you happy they can often disappoint you.
When you depend on outside sources, objects, or circumstances to make you happy, you are ignoring the main current of happiness, you.
Remember, only you can make you happy! Others can contribute to your happiness but it's how you deal with life that will be the ultimate happiness creation.
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I think we all know what stress can do to us. Your body produces a surge of hormones when you're in a stressful situation. These hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by causing your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow.
Some symptoms you can experience when under stress are, thumping heart, tense muscles, shortness of breath, profuse sweating, all from the adrenaline release.
It has become one of the main causes of some diseases.
Managing your stress health is just as important as our physical health.
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Did you know that lack of sleep can cause physical, emotional and hormonal damage, obesity, high blood pressure, mood and behavior changes?
Not getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night, it could be robbing you of good health.
It has been shown that 60% of adults in America report having some type of insomnia disorder.

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Sensational Smoothies
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- I am one of those people who for years rarely ever get more than 4 to 5 hours of sleep. -
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