
Simple Health Boosters for Right Now!

A few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle can make a huge difference in how your body reacts to cancer causing factors.

Of course you know not to smoke and if you do, quit. Get medical help if you need to but QUIT.

Watch your exposure to UV, sunlight rays. Wear sunscreen every day and if you are very fair skinned, wear a hat and cover up exposed areas, especially during the hot summer months and in close to the equator areas.

You need daily intake of antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables to help repair your damaged cells. Green, orange and yellow fruits and vegetables are your best bet to help prevent cancer. Recent studies have found that dark fruits, like blueberries and grapes also have anti-cancer properties.

Cut back, to almost eliminate red meat which contains more fat than poultry and fish, and links to various cancers have been found to a diet made up of numerous servings of red meat. High fat diets are also a major cause of obesity, which is a risk factor for many types of cancer.

Other factors in lifestyle being linked to cancer are alcohol, toxic work environment, exposure to fumes, dust and chemicals.

Exercise! exercise! Exercise! The American Cancer Society recommends exercising 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week for cancer prevention.

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