
Quick Tips 4 U - Good Things to Do


Reading more and more studies about Inflammation and disease.  Next time you have a blood test, ask your Dr. to include a C-Reactive Protein test. CRP. Also ask him why you should have your inflammation level checked. Recent research indicates that inflammation is connected to chronic diseases including heart disease.

Leave the ATM card at home. It is much too easy to pull out that card for even a small item that you see in a Convenience store or when eating out. Carry a small amount of cash, as much as you budgeted for the day. You do budget, don't you?

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Believe it or not, frozen veggies might be more nutritious than fresh. They are frozen fresh from the garden patch, really. Produce being shipped 'fresh' is usually harvested before becoming ripe.


Sign up for a dance class. Purchase a good exercise video and invite a few friends in for a couple routines and some good friendly chatter.

Move it, move it, move it, lose it, lose it, lose it

You can do it. Click link above for details.


Sales, sales, sales. Retail, brick and mortar stores, as well as Internet sites are making room for Spring styles arriving even as I write this. Hurry to the site or store of your choice and snag up some of those great bargains on winter clothes. You still have time to wear them and they will be like new next winter.


"You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them."

- Maya Angelou

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