
          Put some sun in your life to increase serotonin in your brain for a natural anti depressant
There are researchers who believe an imbalance in serotonin levels may influence mood that can lead to depression.
          Select a credit card where the rewards program automatically puts 10% of the reward into an investment account. 
          Make your own mineral scrub using sea salt infused with lavender oil and olive oil. Another is to place equal parts white and brown sugar in the palm of your hand, add a drop or two of olive oil, rub hands together and pat gently on your face.  Wait a few minutes and rinse.  Using a face cloth helps remove dead skin.

          Of course you know to Walk! Walk! Walk!  Start out slowly and build up.  You won't regret it.  You will regret it if you don't.  If you aren't exercising, stop reading this, get up and move your body, get your heart pumping, then come back and read more Quick Tips.

          Cayenne pepper increases metabolism, helps you burn calories.

          Feel the presences of love around you.  Visualize it surrounding you then imagine it funneling into your heart. 
          Top a baked or nuked potato with chili, salsa, or vegetables with grated cheese.  Can be a side dish or meal.

Disclaimer.  This article is intended for general information only based on the author's research and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment

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