
Labor Day's Quick Tips 4 U


Make a list of everything you know that promotes good health. (Read some of these earlier tips to help you.) Put a check mark next to any you do regularly. Circle any that you don't do very often. Put an X next to any you never do. Now spend a day or two thinking about what you don't do to be healthier and ask yourself why!


Experts say you should save 10% of all your income regularly. Have that amount deducted from your checking account and put into a savings or investment account. When you get more income, increase the amount transferred. After a few months you won't notice the decrease in spendable income.

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Start your meal with a salad. Keep salad fixings crisping in the frig. Add a low fat dressing or use a little bit of olive oil and lemon juice and fresh herbs. Drink a glass of vegetable juice with the salad and you will have healthfully cut your appetite, and increased your servings of vegetables.  Yeah You.

Fashion and Style:

Wearing clothes too big will make you look bigger. A belt or scarf hanging down toward your legs will make them look longer. A solid color outfit is slimming.


Don't have time for a full workout? Incorporate it in your day. Stretch when dressing; squat when picking something up off the floor; reach for the ceiling anytime you are waiting; swing your arms when walking; commit to working out no matter how much time you have.

Beauty:No time for makeup. Tint your moisturizer with your foundation and smooth on. While waiting for it to dry, put on two coats of lipstick, touch your lips with clean fingers and blot on cheeks for blush. Sweep eyes with shadow and put on two coats of mascara. You are on your way and looking good.

Spirit:Make it a habit to congratulate yourself for making the effort to be the best you can be. Even if you don't feel you've done your best, congratulate yourself anyway and soon, very soon you'll be doing your best every day.

This article is intended for general information only based on the author's research and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment

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