
Why I Like Online Shopping

Since I don't enjoy local shopping crowds, standing in line, finding a customer service rep, etc, Online is perfect for me.

I like the convenience of shopping 24/7 and in many states, there is no sales tax. 

I find product reviews are the best reasons for shopping online. You can read a description of a product, which will tell you the reliability, construction, and price as well as what people liked or didn't like about a product.  I know paid reviewers write some reviews, you will almost always find honest reviews by people satisfied and not satisfied with the product.

I have learned to never shop the Internet without reading reviews, even if I'm not buying the product from Amazon. Sometimes I even check them before buying an item in my local store. Thanks to my Kindle, or my iPhone, I can check online prices with either one or the other.

Last week I saved some money on two items because I read reviews from buyers.  I was looking for a birthday gift for one of my grandsons. I saw a man's bracelet I thought was perfect for him and the price was better than right.

Before hitting 'buy', I scrolled down and read a few reviews. That saved me from making a buying mistake and a disappointed grandson.  Most of the reviews panned the product for several reasons. Some wrote they threw it out and others said the item broke within days of wearing.

The next item I thought was perfect for me was a counter top oven. It also was a good price. I checked to see if I could get it at Walmart. I could, but before dashing to my local Walmart store, I went back to the product info and read the reviews. Glad I did, I saved myself $$$$$$$. 

If you shop online, I hope you take advantage of reading the reviews, especially the ones on Amazon.

M. Bradley McCauley writes articles in all genres from Health and Fitness to short stories and a whole lot in between.  

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