
Quick Tips for U - August 31, 2013


Memorize something everyday.  It will keep your brain sharp and your memory functioning.  
If memorizing isn't easy for you, start with something simple, like a rhyme, or song lyrics, then work up to quotes from some of your favorite writers, especially poets and don't forget science and history.


Use envelope system budgeting. Separate your spending into categories, (grocery, gas, rent, etc.) Place your money in each envelope and once it's empty-you must wait until the next month to spend in that category.

Use the Internet, to explore all the latest happenings in the world of clothes and accessories. You can browse through a number of websites that are associated with glamour. -  I find checking fashion on Amazon is a good place to start for basic ideas of new styles.  Prices are pretty good.

I gradually removed junk food from my apartment.  I took one food at a time, like potato chips.  After a week of not having them, I was over the desire.  I followed that with removing all soda and sweet drinks.  I made jars of flavored water, orange juice squirted in distilled water, squeeze of lemon in another and I put a bit of Maple Syrup for a sugar like effect in one.  Once all major junk food was out of the apartment, I turned to what I am supposed to eat for better health and learned ways of serving fruits and vegetables to a point where I looked forward to eating them.

Low impact intervals of exercise can act as a powerful way to supercharge your health.  No need to spend time getting into gym clothes or driving to the gym and working out.  Do it at home, a walk or even turn on some up beat music and dance, dance, dance.

Even if you aren't religious, you can still find time to commune with nature and feel a connection with your inner spirit. Sometimes silence brings on volumes of thoughts and ideas.

Quick Tips author, M. Bradley McCauley writes news and her views daily on Bubblews where you can speak freely and write your words and get paid.

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