
Health Scams - Don't Fall for Them

 This weeks Quick Tip 4  Is About Health Scams

My friend Jolene has two graduate degrees.  She teaches in a high school in Grand Rapids.  When she developed severe arthritis she got very little results from her primary care Dr.  Frustrated by pill taking and warnings about the various medicines, she consulted an alternative medicine guru recommended by a friend.  Without going into detail, I can tell you she spent $$$$$$ and more $$$$$$ and still lives with arthritis.  She is now on a pain medication with minimal side effects prescribed by her Dr.

She thought she was smart enough to know better than fall for a health scam.  

Some warning signs we need to remind ourselves about are:

It’s Natural 
Just because a product is called “natural” does not mean it is safe. 

It’s So Easy! Don’t believe promises like “lose weight while you sleep.” If it sounds too easy, it might be a scam. 

Miracle Cure! 
Generally, one pill will not treat or cure many different illnesses like cancer, diabetes, AIDS, or arthritis. 

It Worked For Me
Personal success stories by “real people” or doctors are easy to make up. 

Pay Now and Save 
Don’t feel pressured to buy. Take time to get the facts about the product first. 

They Don’t Want You To Know 
Always feel free to ask your doctor, nurse, or pharmacist what is best for your health. Health Fraud… Don’t take the risk with your health or your money. You might see ads on TV or the Internet that make a lot of promises about a new health product. However, you don’t know if it can really help you. It may even hurt you. 

Click here for information about 
Self Defense against Health Scares and Scams by Steven J. Milloy.

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