
Quick Tips 4 U - April 19 -

Have you been introduced to 'Tapping for Healing"?  This simple technique, which literally involves "tapping" on the meridian points of our body while saying certain statements, is providing uniquely powerful results.  I've learned the technique and have to say, I'm very impressed.  Just think, you can tap away pain and stress.  Click here to check it out.  It's amazing what it can do.
Tapping for Healing

There is also a 'Tapping for Abundance' video that I've tried and can honestly say, my monthly tithe is increasing. The way it works, well you can watch the video to see how it works.  I'll include a link to it below.  I'm so positive that Tapping is more than a fad, it's working world wide.

A diet high in protein may keep us fuller for longer and reduce overall intake of food.  A recent study published by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition  suggested that when following a higher protein diet, participants ate less overall calories, as well as feeling less hungry.  And it has been proven again and again, eating a well balanced  breakfast makes all the difference in not being hungry as much throughout the day. 

It's get out and walk weather.  It's get out and garden weather.  It might even be 'spring cleaning' weather for some.  Let's get started with a daily outdoors routine that moves our bodies and lifts our souls.  Make it a good day and get outside and play.

Sandals in the morning, sandals in the evening, sandals anytime. I have found some of the best sandals in all styles, colors, prices, for women, men and kids.  I've categorized them by styles - casual, dressy, designer, vintage, men's, girls with prices listed.  Check out the web page for some ideas for your sandal shopping.
Click here to see. Sandals, Sandals, Sandals

"Every life is a story, make yours a best seller".

As I've been interviewing people for 'No Life Lived in Vain', I'm finding fascinating stories.  Maybe one day I can do yours.

May you be blessed with true happiness.

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