
Quick Tips for This Week -Nov 5

Things we know but sometimes a reminder can be good to keep us in the right direction.

Promise yourself you will take care of you. Get enough sleep! This is vital to avoiding slumps and over indulging in caffeine. 
Eat a healthy and balanced diet. 
Get enough physical activity and exercise. 
If you can follow these three health tips--getting through the up-coming holiday stress will be easier.

Make a budget that includes identifying all of your expenses, income and spending habits. Start in January and write down every penny you spend for two months. Review in March and adjust your spending according to the things you spent money on that you know you can do without.

Set realistic goals. Don't expect to lose weight overnight. Gradually change your eating habits, first by having smaller portions, then by substituting good healthy food for bad.

Listen to external stimulus to take your mind off of the physical activity. That’s the secret to making “exercise time” fly.

Fashion style is very much about attitude. Feel confident in yourself about the way you look and that will come across to other people.

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." 

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