I've recently heard and read about Thieves Oil and can't believe the theraputic remedies it is used for. It's recommended that you apply it to cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.
Mixed with water you can use it as an effective gargle and applied directly to the skin of your upper chest and throat can ease the problems of bronchitis.
I'm not sure about this one but I've heard it works. Put a drop on the roof of your mouth for a headache.
It is often used to get rid of acne but be sure to dilute it before applying.
Apply to bee and wasp stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
As a gum disease prevenative, apply it directly to gums and for oral health, use it on your tooth brush. Not only does it kill germs but it has been claimed to reduce cavities.
Put a couple drops in a cup of tea for overall health benefits.
These are only a few of the unbelieveable remedies for Thieves Oil.
A recipe to make your own Thieves Oil:
For more natural remedies check out Natural Healing Spices
Heal With Food
Stay well, eat healthy and get your flu shot early!
This article is for information only and should not be taken as professional advice. The author, M. Bradley McCauley is a writer of health articles and always recommends consuting with a medical adviser before changing any health routine.
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